Project evaluations are an important element of the project cycle for organisations in both the not-for-profit and corporate sector. International development organisations seek to measure the effectiveness and impact of their interventions and generate data that can feed into improved programme design. Corporate bodies can use evaluation data to measure their return on investment and gather market feedback.

The Bridge offers a range of evaluation services tailored to the needs of the client. This includes evaluation support at different stages of a project from baseline, midline to endline, and longitudinal evaluation studies to determine the impact of a project over time. We can also provide individual assessments such as impact evaluations, annual or mid-term reviews and project monitoring support. Our team has technical knowledge in a range of subject areas and methodological skills in qualitative and quantitative data collection and analysis, and capability in translation and interpretation which allows us to gather stakeholder feedback for our clients from a range of sources. Our team members have conducted evaluation research in a range of locations in Myanmar, including mixed-methods midline and endline evaluations of a two-year corporate social investment project for a major private company. This evaluation study combined Myanmar language primary data collection (mixed-methods qualitative and quantitative FGDs and surveys) with client field visits, and received praise from the client for its technical rigour and the valuable data gathered which provided demonstrable evidence of project impact.