Alongside research and data collection services, the Bridge can provide direct project implementation support to clients in organising trainings and facilitating workshops tailored to a variety of audiences and on various topics. This can be in person group trainings, small group sessions, in-person workshops, or remote sessions including virtual sessions.
Our team has experience providing training in areas ranging from youth employment skills (public-speaking, English Language, CV-writing) to practical adult livelihoods training and research practice skills. Audiences have ranged from rural farmers in remote regions with low levels of literacy, to arranging policy workshops with senior national politicians. With a combination of international qualifications and bilingual Myanmar and English language capacity, our team can deliver high quality training and workshop facilitation in an engaging and culturally and contextually appropriate manner.

Experience of the Bridge team includes work as senior directors of the Scholar Institute, formerly Youth Development Initiative Network (YDIN). This includes designing and managing languages and international development skills training in for the REDP (Rural Educational Development Program) in Ayeyarwaddy Region and Rakhine State, and the YEIP (Youth Empowerment Initiative Program), firstly funded by U.S. Embassy Rangoon, training youth from numerous states and regions in development skills and civic engagement.